Group Picture – Mak-RIF and Muni University team members at the engagement
The Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF) is a pioneering fund that the Government of Uganda extended to Makerere University to support multidisciplinary Research and Innovations that will contribute to driving Uganda’s development agenda towards economic and social transformation. This fund has recently been extended to other universities by the Government of Uganda.
Part of the Mak-RIF team is currently in Muni University, Arua District (March 4-7, 2024) for a Research Capacity Strengthening and Building Session engaging University Management, Faculty and Administration. It is all evident that the Muni University team appreciates all mentorship from Mak-RIF and are excited to make some changes to their research management systems based on the training facts shared. Specifically, Prof. Anguma Simon Katrini, Vice Chancellor Muni University in his remarks extended his sincere gratitude to the Makerere University management and Mak-RIF management for the gesture of good will towards Muni University
Ongoing Research Capacity Strengthening and Building Session in Muni University
The overall goal is to strengthen the research management capacity of public universities in Uganda through design and delivery of targeted professional training, offer peer to peer support, mentor ship and systems strengthening to develop policy frameworks and enabling structures to further fund and manage research projects and innovations for the Government research fund. “The Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund has leveraged its extensive expertise and track record in research management to support public universities in managing the government research fund” said Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi, Chairperson Mak-RIF Grants Management Committee. Prof. Masagazi also thanked the Government of the Republic of Uganda for funding Research and Innovations at Makerere University and now with positive spillover effects in other higher institutions of learning and communities.
Group Picture – Mak-RIF and Muni University team members at the engagement
By: Juliet Nabirye, Mak-RIF Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and Gloria Naggayi, Mak-RIF Research Support Officer.