Mak-RIF Team Engaging communities in Butaleja District

Hon. Dr. Monica Musenero Hon. Dr. Monica Musenero at the site in Butaleja District appreciating the briquettes and stove which can accommodate these briquettes during the cooking process
Project Name; Developing Community-based Integrated Bioenergy Agriculture and indigenous chicken using rice husks as biomass
Principal Investigator: Prof. John David Kabasa
Purpose: Dissemination and feedback sharing workshop of the project’s phase II implementation
Through-out an engagement of five days, characterized by engagements during which farmers were encouraged to form clusters, one of the research team members under the leadership of Prof. John David Kabaasa from Makerere University College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security (COVAB) engaged communities in Butaleja District. This engagement also brought together other stakeholders including those from the Great Lakes Industrial Institute (GLIDE) –the host partner, Centre for Research in Energy and Energy conservation, Africa Institute for Startegiv Services and Development (AFRISA), Local Government of the republic of Uganda representatives among others.

The research team members visited farmers in the community from Tuesday May 17th, 2023 during which registration of farmers was done in order to inform the formation of an association. On Wednesday May 18th, 2023; Nabida Royal Farmers Association was formed. This was formed to accelerate production and productivity of local chicken in the area with spillover effects to other areas/communities too. Other enterprises that were included in the association were mushroom growing and fish farming communities.

On May 20th, 2023, the Nabida Royal Farmers Association was launched by Hon. Dr. Monica Musenero, Uganda’s Minister of Science Technology and Innovation-Office of the President. She was impressed by the technology of carbonating agro-waste in particular the rice husks and other agro-wastes into cooking energy (Briquettes). She noted that rice husks and other agro-wastes are in abundancy in Butaleja and neighboring rice growing districts. She thanked the researchers and innovators for the great job well done. She also launched the mushroom substrate machinery and home-based Laboratory in Butaleja hosted by GLIDE the partner institute.

In attendance were: Local Council 5, Local Council 3,2,1 of different sub counties, parishes and villages. The research and innovation team were also joined by District Police Commander, representative of Hon. Nabanda, Woman Member of Parliament for Butaleja District, farmers, community members, students, District Veterinary Officer, District Agriculture Officer, District Forest Officer, scientists from Makerere University, AFRISA, GLIDE.
The research team envisages building more on the farmers association to ensure realization of its objectives.
Compiled by: Dr. Tumwine Gabriel, Project Co-Principal Investigator
Contributor/Reviewer: Harriet Adong, Communications Officer, Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF)